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The Alliance for Responsible Denim

1 January 2016 - 31 December 2018

Project The Alliance for Responsible Denim.

The Alliance for Responsible Denim (ARD) was a research project from the Collaborative Innovation & Entrepreneurship professorship at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

ARD was active from 2016 to 2018 and aimed to bring denim brands and suppliers together in a precompetitive setting to advance sustainable production of denim products. The professorship continues to research multi-stakeholder collaborations and innovation in the context of sustainable and responsible production.

Working method

The Alliance for Responsible Denim (ARD) is an initiative from Made-By, Circle Economy and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

ARD  brings denim brands together to collectively take steps towards improving the ecological sustainability impact of denim production.

These first steps include establishing measurements, benchmarks and standards for resource use (e.g. chemicals, water, energy) and recycled denim.

Denim Brands and Suppliers

Our consortium consists of key stakeholders and experts from the denim industry. Although based in Amsterdam, ARD represents international denim brands and suppliers.

Wet Processing Benchmark

This project focuses on improving the environmental impact of denim finishing. Brands are guided by laundry experts, from both the chemical and the technology side, in diagnosing their conventional washes. Gaining valuable advice & knowledge to lower the EIM scores on their Never-Out-of-Stock styles.

​Post-Consumer Recycled Denim Standard

Led by Circle Economy, this working group focuses on developing a preferred industry buying standard, defining a business model and road map for the introduction and scaling up of Post-Consumer-Recycled-Denim (PCRD) production. Our hope is that the establishment of a preferred buying standard can increase volume of PCRD and further its adoption in the industry.


  • Lori DiVito
  • Zita Ingen-Housz
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