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Research result

The potential of light electric vehicles for specific freight flows

Publication - June 2017

The number of light commercial vehicles in cities is growing, which puts increasing pressure on the liveability of cities. Light electric freight vehicles (LEFV) and cargo bikes can offer a solution, as they occupy less space, are easily manoeuvrable, and do not emit tailpipe pollutants. This paper presents the results from the first half-year of the LEVV-LOGIC project (2016-2018), aimed at exploring the potential of LEFVs for various urban freight flows.

Potential for Urban Freight Flows

Delivery characteristics, trends, practical examples, and expert judgement are combined to assess the potential of LEFVs for seven major urban freight flows. The preliminary analysis concludes that every urban freight flow has a certain level of potential for using LEFVs. Parcel and food deliveries show particularly high potential. Deliveries related to services and the last phase of construction work also have good potential for being switched to LEFV.

Lower Potential Areas

In comparison, non-food deliveries to retail establishments and the collection of waste have less potential for LEFV use. However, this may change if recycling standards become higher.

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City Logistics research group

Clean and sustainable cities are attractive places in which to live, work and invest. At the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the City Logistics research group is conducting practice-oriented research into opportunities for smart and clean city logistics.