What we do
We face significant challenges in society, such as climate change, new technologies, and growing inequality. The current model, often focused on growth and the exploitation of people and nature, is no longer viable. The Centre of Expertise Economic Transformation aims to accelerate the transition to a fair and sustainable economy through research.
Our ambitions
- Transformation to new business models: we aim to inspire companies to change their ways of working using sustainable business models.
- Transformation towards co-ownership: we aim to empower professionals, citizens, consumers, and entrepreneurs to regain or create new forms of ownership.
- Transformation to fair economic ecosystems: we aim to transform the economy from fragile and harmful to a strong and caring system through sustainable and circular collaboration.
- Transformation to good work and craftsmanship: we strive to achieve ‘good work’—work that is high-quality, meaningful, and ethically responsible. Good work and craftsmanship are essential to realise economic transformation.
Our goal
Economic Transformation aims to translate societal trends and challenges into engaging education, delivering future-proof students equipped with knowledge of economic and sustainable principles.
Our research
Eight researchers discuss their work in the fields of economics and business, ranging from solutions for vulnerable professional groups to studies on work and employment, and from food issues to sustainable partnerships.
Associated research groups
The research groups at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences affiliated with the Centre of Expertise Economic Transformation conduct practice-oriented research on economic issues to accelerate the transformation to a fair and sustainable economy, in close collaboration with education programmes and the professional field.