Cooperation between formal and informal care

Good care and support requires cooperation between relatives of care recipients, any other informal helpers and professionals. The research group contributes to improving this cooperation.
How do you meet the needs of care recipients and their loved ones when there is a long-term need for care and support? As a professional, what should you do and what should you not do to keep the quality of life of people with care needs as high as possible? The research group Care and Support works on these issues from different research themes.
Good care and support requires cooperation between relatives of care recipients, any other informal helpers and professionals. The research group contributes to improving this cooperation.
People with care needs are not alone. They are surrounded by people who support and care for them. The research group Care and Support conducts research on how to support these social network members.
People who need care often want to participate fully in society, including, for instance, as athletes or artists. The research group investigates what kind of professional support is needed to achieve this.
In January 2010 Rick was appointed Professor of Community Care at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). In 2001 she acquired her doctorate degree by researching public support and resources for community mental health care. Besides her work for AUAS, Rick still tries to find time to work as a textile artist. She studied in Stockholm, Sweden at Textilhögskolan where she learned several (traditional) Scandinavian textile techniques.