Care and Support
About the research group
The research group Care and Support focuses on strengthening and maintaining quality of life in long-term care and support needs. Through research, we try to find solutions to problems that care and welfare professionals may experience in connecting to the needs of care recipients and their relatives. The research into this is done at the request of professional practice and in close cooperation with the professionals who will apply the interventions in practice. Representatives of target groups (e.g. elderly people, people with a mental or physical disability or disorder) and their relatives, students and teachers are also involved in our research.
Four focal points
We focus on four themes:
1. Cooperation between formal and informal care; a strong network for people with care needs;
2. Inclusion and the role of professionals. Within this theme we look at the impact of art practice and how technology can contribute to a better quality of life;
3. Related issues around social cohesion in neighbourhoods, loneliness and interprofessional cooperation have our attention. In doing so, we always put people with care needs and their families at the centre.
4. Given the increasing importance of technology in care and support, these issues are also examined to see whether and, if so, how the use of technological innovations and tools can contribute to a better quality of life and care.