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Research group

Child and Youth Social Care

Towards effective Child and Youth Social Care

The research group Child and Youth Social Care helps professionals and their organizations to provide effective support and care to children, adolescents and their parents or guardians. In doing so, we base ourselves on theoretical knowledge and research as well as on the experiential knowledge of professionals and clients. We work closely with organizations for youth aid, youth protection, youth probation and welfare.

Read more about our research group

Meet our professors

  • Leonieke Boendermaker

    Professor Child and Youth Social Care

    Prof. Dr. Leonieke Boendermaker (1961) is Lecturer in Child and Youth Social Care at the HvA and Professor of Implementation Challenges in Youth Care at the University of Amsterdam. Her work focuses on the development, implementation, quality and effectiveness of interventions with special attention to residential care and interventions for youth with severe behavioural problems.

    Leonieke Boendermaker
  • Marc Noom

    Professor by special appointment of Forensic Youthcare

    Dr. Marc Noom (1966) is a developmental psychologist. He joined the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences as a professor by special appointment in January 2022, researching Forensic Youthcare. He is keen to investigate, in collaboration with field workers, ways of preventing young people from displaying increasingly extreme negative behaviour.