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Research group

Civic Interaction Design

Designing in living together

Civic Interaction Design is an interdisciplinary research group at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Together with students, designers, technology developers, policymakers, (local) governments, academic researchers, and citizens, we explore how design and technology contribute to civic life.

Read more about Civic Interaction Design
Charging the Commons: Design for collective decision-making (H-buurt, Bijlmer Amsterdam)


On this page, you will find a complete overview of agenda items from the Civic Interaction Design research group. These range from in-house organized events such as conferences, symposia, lectures, workshops, and courses to presentations by our researchers at external events related to our research.

Click here for the full agenda
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Meet the Experts

The experts of Civic Interaction Design

  • Martijn de Waal

    Professor of Digital Life

    Martijn de Waal is a Professor leading the Civic Interaction Design Research Group at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). He has a background in journalism, media studies and practical philosophy. His research focuses on the relationship between digital media and public space, with special interest in civic media and digital placemaking.

    Martijn de Waal, lector Civic Interaction Design
  • Jaz Hee-jeong Choi

    Associate Professor

    Jaz Hee-jeong Choi is an Associate Professor in Civic Interaction Design at the Faculty of Digital Media & Creative Industries (FDMCI). Previously, Choi was the director of the Care-full Design Lab in Melbourne and the Urban Informatics Lab in Brisbane. They are known for their transdisciplinary research, engaging people from diverse backgrounds and interests.

    Jaz Hee-jeong Choi, Associate Lector.