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Research group

Creative Media for Social Change

Making an impact with media

With the power of media, we make the world a better place. We develop and research creative media tools such as virtual environments, board games, and interactive artworks for an inclusive and sustainable world. Together with students and professionals, we connect people, encourage more social and environmentally friendly choices, and measure the impact. This way, we bring an inclusive and sustainable future closer.

Read more about our mission and vision


On this page, you will find a complete overview of agenda items from the Creative Media for Social Change research group. These range from in-house organized events such as conferences, symposia, lectures, workshops, and courses to presentations by our researchers at external events related to our research.

Click here for the full agenda

Meet us

The experts of Creative Media for Social Change

  • Tamara Witschge

    Professor of Creative Media for Social Change

    Tamara Witschge (PhD, University of Amsterdam) is a professor of Creative Media for Social Change at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. She also holds a chair in Media and Cultural Industries at the University of Groningen. She leads the five-year NWO-funded research program Entrepreneurship at Work and the NWO-funded action research project Documenting Complexity.

    Tamara Witschge, lector Creative Media for Social Change
  • Elise Talgorn

    Associate Professor of Social Impact Storytelling

    Elise Talgorn is a multidisciplinary researcher, designer, and artist specializing in storytelling and sustainable transitions. With a background in applied physics and art, she combines science, design, and creativity to address social and environmental challenges. She earned her PhD in solar cells from TU Delft in 2010, worked on sustainable innovations at Philips, and developed radical visions on health and circularity. As an associate professor of Social Impact Storytelling at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Elise focuses on fostering empathy and collective creativity through narrative methods. Her art and research bridge the gap between people and nature, contributing to positive change.