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Research group

Energy and Innovation

Associate professor of Smart Energy Systems

With the energy transition gaining momentum, the power grid is coming under increasing pressure. The Smart Energy Systems research line - part of the Energy and Innovation research group - studies how smart energy systems can help alleviate grid stress.

Grid stress, also known as grid congestion, happens when many people use a lot of energy all at the same time, such as early in the morning and around dinner time. Smart energy systems can help reduce grid stress by spreading out the demand for power. These systems, which can be found in EV charging stations, for example, are programmed to consume energy mainly outside peak times and use solar and wind energy soon after it has been generated. This eliminates the need for a long-term storage solution and helps balance the supply and demand of renewable energy.

Systems thinking

The Smart Energy Systems research line investigates the energy system from a systems perspective and is currently focused primarily on smart energy systems for electrical cars. In the LIEV project, for example, researchers are investigating which smart charging methods are most effective to implement on a large scale, focusing not only on technology, but also on cooperation between the municipality, charging station operators, grid operators, residents and other parties.

Rick Wolbertus, Associate professor of Smart Energy Systems

As an Associate professor of Smart Energy Systems in the Energy and Innovation research group, Rick Wolbertus works on projects relating to the energy transition and the integration of new energy systems into the power grid. His research revolves around smart algorithms applied in practice and translating choices into policy. In addition to his work as a researcher, he teaches on energy systems in urban systems.

Connecting education and research

The insights from Smart Energy Systems are reflected in the Data Science minor, the Master's degree programme in Urban Technology, and the Community of Practice for Smart Grids & System Integration. A Community of Practice is a network in which students work on societal issues together with researchers, teachers and the professional field.

Partners of the Smart Energy Systems research line

The associate professor of Smart Energy Systems works closely with companies and municipalities during the research. Partners are the city of Amsterdam, the city of Rotterdam, Equans, Vattenfall, Alliander, RVO, TU Delft and Elaad.