Forensic Trace Dynamics
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Bloodstain Pattern Analysis & Bayes
Publication - July 2023
The findings from a bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) may assist in formulating or falsifying scenarios that are considered during the investigative stages of a criminal...
Reporting on forensic biology findings given activity level issues in the Netherlands
Publication - February 2023
There appears to be some hesitation within the forensic biology community to formally evaluate and report on findings given activity level propositions. This hesitance in...
Forensic DNA Trace Evidence Interpretation
Publication - January 2023
The book Forensic DNA Trace Evidence Interpretation provides all foundational information required for a reader to understand the practice of evaluating forensic biology...
Understanding Fingermark Deposition
Publication - September 2019
Fingermarks are highly relevant in criminal investigations for individualization purposes. In some cases, the question in court changes from ‘Who is the source of the fin...