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Research group

Network Cultures

Examining network cultures

The Network Cultures research group investigates online video, social media, search engines, memes, and business models in the arts and creative industries. A key focus is establishing sustainable research networks. A detailed overview of our projects can be found on the website networkcultures.org.

Read more about our vision


On this page, you will find a complete overview of agenda items from the Network Cultures research group. These range from in-house organized events such as conferences, symposia, lectures, workshops, and courses to presentations by our researchers at external events related to our research.

Click here for the full agenda


The expert of Network Cultures.

Geert Lovink

Professor of Network Cultures

Geert Lovink is a leading media theorist and internet critic affiliated with the Institute of Network Cultures. He leads research on online video, social media, search engines, Wikipedia, memes, and business models in the arts and creative industries. Since 2004, he has been a professor at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, and since 2022, he has held the position of Professor of Art and Network Cultures at the University of Amsterdam.

Geert Lovink, Professor of Network Cultures