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Research group

Participatory Research for Health and Well-being

About the research group

In research, parties such as researchers or funding bodies often have their own agendas. As a result, they typically determine the topic and research questions, while the lived experience of those involved—who work and/or live within the subject of the study - is not always taken into account. This is unfortunate, as complex issues require input from all stakeholders. Only with diverse perspectives can appropriate policies be developed.


Participatory research requires creative and flexible methods that cater to the needs of all involved, including those in vulnerable situations. These methods can be adjusted during the process if they prove unsuitable, making them accessible to people who may be less literate, less digitally skilled, sometimes confused, or living with a disability.

A key principle is that individuals have an influence on the design of the research, ensuring it aligns with their own questions. This not only leads to relevant and impactful research but also strengthens trust in science. Moreover, it fosters the development of skills and knowledge among participants. This approach contributes to greater equality of opportunity, particularly in the field of health.

Goal: Knowledge Development and Inclusivity

The research group focuses on further developing knowledge of participatory research with the aim of making our society and research practices more inclusive and just. The emphasis is on collaboration with people in vulnerable positions. Creativity, diversity, and ethics play a central role in achieving these goals.

The core question of the research group is: How can we strengthen practice through methodological development in participatory research on health and well-being?

The research group includes studies on creative methods, such as the involvement of artists, and addresses ethical issues that arise during the research process. Additionally, attention is given to quality criteria: Are the right goals being pursued? And does the implementation align with the plans made? This approach helps further professionalise participatory research and increase its impact.

Connection with Education

The research group plays a key role in renewing and strengthening methodology education for local residents, students, (city) teachers, and teacher-researchers active in living labs and participatory projects. This takes place at both the Vrije Universiteit (VU) and the HvA.

Collaborative Partners

The collaboration between AUAS and VU brings significant added value to the Amsterdam region. By linking academic participatory research with practice-oriented research, strong synergy is created. This partnership supports shared ambitions in participation, diversity, and justice, enhancing the impact of participatory research for all involved, from researchers to those working or living in vulnerable situations.