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Research group

Patient and Family Participation in Clinical Practice

Preparing patients and families for the recovery phase

Patients spend less time in hospitals, while care becomes more complex and staff shortages increase. The government encourages reliance on informal networks after discharge. How can patients and families be actively involved in recovery during and after hospitalisation? And what do healthcare professionals need to facilitate this? These questions are central to the Patients and Family Participation in Clinical Practice research group.

More about this research group
Patients and Family Participation in Clinical Practice research group AUAS patients talking to doctor

Meet us

The expert of Patient and Family Participation in Clinical Practice

Anne Eskes

Professor Patient and Family Participation in Clinical Practice

Since 2022, Anne Eskes has been a professor of Patient and Family Participation in Clinical Practice at the AUAS In 2019, she was appointed Principal Nurse Educator at Amsterdam UMC, a position for senior researchers with exceptional talent for educational innovation.

Anne Eskes Professor Patient and Family Participation in Clinical Practice AUAS