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Research group

Poverty Interventions

About the research group

A large group of Dutch citizens live around the poverty line and/or have problematic debts. With its research, the research group Poverty Interventions has the mission to contribute to the reduction and prevention of poverty and debt among citizens. Based on scientific insights, we support social organisations and governments in designing and implementing effective solutions to poverty and debt problems.

Our approach 

Poverty and debt have a major impact on people's well-being and lead to significant social costs. Living in poverty and being in debt regularly means piling up problems. It is not just about not having enough money, but also uncertain or no work, few future prospects, poor health, negative social and institutional treatment and inequality of opportunity.  

Professionals in the social domain work to reduce and prevent poverty and debt and their consequences for citizens. The research group investigates what kinds of poverty and debt interventions are and are not effective for which citizens. A practice-based approach, researched and developed together with service professionals and people experiencing poverty themselves, is central to this.

Research themes

Our research themes are: 
- debt problems and debt assistance
- long-term poverty
- child poverty
- chain cooperation
- organisation of the social security system
- arrangements for minima
In addition, we focus on cross-domain issues such as poverty and housing, poverty and care and poverty and youth/young adults.