Sport Management & Sport Business
About the research group
The Sports Management & Sport Business research group studies how sports organisations and their leaders address challenges such as stable business operations, sustainability, safety, inclusion, and health. This applies to both elite sports and grassroots sports. The research group focuses primarily on strategy and leadership in sports.
Research sub-themes
- How can sports organisations fulfil their societal role?
- What steps are needed for sustainable and responsible business models in sports?
- How can sports professionals contribute to a strong and sustainable sports infrastructure?
- How can leaders in sports manage conflicting interests within sports organisations?
In the Dutch elite sports world, we always led the way with our excellent organisation. Now, that no longer seems to be enough: we either need to move faster of invest more money. But how do you pay for that? And how do sports organisations perform in terms of sustainability, safety, inclusion, and employee well-beging? Our society is demanding renewal.

Jan-Willem van der Roest
New business models
The research group explores more sustainable and balanced business models that reconcile conflicting interests within sports organisations. The focus is, on the one hand, on aligning the values of sports organisations with societal expectations. On the other hand, it involves shaping business operations and management in a responsible and sustainable way. Additionally, the research group contributes to solutions for societal challenges related to health and vitality. With their expertise in organisation, networks, and business development, researchers can make new health initiatives appealing to sports clubs and entrepreneurs in the sports sector.
Benelux Sport Business Hub
The research group conducts all its research projects under the name Benelux Sport Business Hub. Many sports organisations seek advice or an evaluation of an event or health intervention. In these assignments, the research group works directly with sports organisations to help realise a strong and sustainable sports infrastructure.
Link to education
The research group also involves as many students as possible in its research projects, giving them hands-on experience with real-world issues they will face in their future careers. This is especially important for the new Master's programme in Sport Business & Leadership at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). Researchers also supervise students from the Bachelor's programmes in Sport Studies and Sportkunde in their final research projects. In this way, the Benelux Sport Business Hub helps connect research, education, and practice.