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Legal and Social Aspects of International Business

Amsterdam has been attracting international business ever since the Golden Age. Nowadays, the city provides a wide variety of financial and legal services. The Port of Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport are a well-known trading- and business locations. Against this backdrop, we offer our minor on Legal and Social aspects of International Business (LSIB). In other words, if you’re interested in international law, business and intercultural exchange, this minor is the right choice for you.

Course description

LSIB is a minor about cross-cultural collaboration. It prepares you to work with international colleagues and clients. You will learn how to combine business, international law and ethics by developing a Corporate Social Responsibility profile and you will be familiarised with the necessary skills to negotiate and draft international business contracts. Meanwhile you will improve your English language skills and enhance your intercultural awareness.

Teachings start the first week of September with an introduction week. You need to be available full-time during this week. LSIB is a level 2 minor of the AUAS Law department. To successfully pass the tests, including group assignments and an individual assessment, you need to have intermediate level in English (CEFR B2). Please note that LSIB is a full-time minor, meaning you should spend 40 hours a week to meet the requirements and pass the exams.

Learning objectives

  • You will be able to recognise, analyse and apply basic theoretical knowledge in the field of international business law and ethics, as well as fundamental economic and social rights.
  • You will be able to operate within an international business environment and apply skills of cultural awareness.
  • You will improve your professional English language skills.
  • You are able to contribute to the team in a meaningful way, by being proactive and by prioritising the interests of the group. You are able to contribute positively to the cooperation within the team, and you can reflect on your own role within that team.
  • You have a global mindset, the ability to reflect on and improve yourself, you are accurate and punctual and show qualities like curiosity, empathy and flexibility.

Course programme

Introduction week

The introduction week gives you a basic introduction to the minor, your teachers, your fellow classmates and to working in an intercultural environment. More information will be provided in July 2024. Participation during the whole first week is required.

The business professional 

During the first week you will assess the level of your professional attitude. This is your starting point and from there you will learn theory, skills and you will develop the professional attitude that is needed for an international business professional. This attitude includes the way you cooperate with your team members and third parties, your cultural awareness, your ability to improve yourself during the minor and qualities like curiosity, empathy and flexibility. At the end of the minor you will present a portfolio in which you demonstrate your knowledge of the theory, your ability to use the skills trained during the minor and the aspects of the attitude you have mastered or still need to work on.

8 EC: individual portfolio assessment

Professional English

A significant part of the minor is dedicated to (legal) English. During the whole minor you will be trained in both written and oral communication skills. This part includes presentation, negotiation and communication skills and writing skills as well as (legal) English vocabulary. At the end of term 2 you will research and write an individual assignment, which shows the progress you have made in improving your level of English.

7 EC: individual writing assignment(s)

Corporate Social Responsibility

This part of the minor aims to familiarise you with the relevant theoretical background to the fundamental human rights responsibilities that play an increasing role in international business, with a special focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). You will explore corporate accountability by applying human rights theory and the concept of corporate social responsibility to case studies and you will formulate a CSR strategy for an international company. You will also be familiarized with intercultural theory, which will help you build a company culture. By doing so, you will be trained to put your theoretical knowledge into practice, gaining an understanding of the landscape in which you – or your future employers – operate.

5 EC: group assignment

The international contract

The globalisation of trade has led to increasing transnational legal traffic. During this course you will get acquainted with the theory of negotiating and drafting international contracts. In order to draft an international contract, you need cultural skills to deal with international partners as well as negotiation strategies to be able to get what you want while maintaining the relationship. Therefore, you study the theory behind cultural differences and negotiation skills and you train these skills during (in)formal business meetings and negotiations. As part of this course, you will engage in online negotiations with foreign students, putting your newly gained knowledge and skills into practice right away!

10 EC: group assignment

Additional costs

For the introduction week, specific information will follow.


Content programme

Frank Godeschalk


Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Law

How to apply
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