Future of Esports & Gaming
The Future of Esports & Gaming minor explores the growing influence of esports, gaming, and gamification on daily life. You will learn all aspects of these industries, which have grown from a subset of sports culture to a full industry. The minor covers trends, innovations, business models, and the necessary language to work in this field. You will also work on real esports projects and present solutions to clients.
The esports industry is large and growing, requiring quick and flexible strategies. With consumer behaviour constantly changing, the industry is expanding rapidly, especially in Europe and the Benelux. The industry offers many job opportunities as more companies enter the field. You will address questions like how to professionalise esports and how esports can promote a healthier lifestyle. Organisations need the right mission, vision, and values to execute their strategies and respond to trends. Your role will be to help them and contribute to this development.
More information
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Study period
The minor runs one a year:
- Fall semester (September – January)
- If you are a student from a partner university, please contact the International Office of your home university.
- HvA/AUAS students can find more information on how to apply on minoren.mijnhva.nl(opens in new window).
- Students from other Dutch universities can enrol via kiesopmaat.nl.(opens in new window)
Application deadline fall semester
- The International Office has to send us your official nomination by 1 April.
- The application deadline for the programme is 15 April.