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Terms and conditions

Disclaimer for AUAS housing service for Bachelor's, Master's and exchange students.

By signing our online housing application (by checking the box at the penultimate paragraph of the form), you claim to have read and understood all of our following terms and conditions:

  • The Amsterdam housing market is extremely difficult, and participating in the AUAS Housing lottery does not in any way guarantee you a room. In fact, we can only provide about 60% of our degree seeking applicants with a room and about 90% of our exchange students with a room, depending on the number of applicants.
  • The room contract is for a fixed period of time. Once you have signed this rent contract with one of our housing partners, you agree with the fact that you cannot extend or shorten your room contract. Check the rental start and end dates on this page.
  • Your room contract cannot be terminated during the term that you have initially signed for (in principle, one or two semesters). In other words, you have the obligation to pay rent for the entire rental period initially agreed upon.
  • You will only receive one housing offer, from only one housing provider.
  • The housing offer may not be within the budget category you have selected, or it may not be at the location you had in mind.
  • Most of our housing locations are not in the city center, and might not be close to university buildings. Therefore, there is a substantial possibility that your room will not be centrally located, and that you will have to commute daily (max. 50 minutes one-way by public transportation).
  • If you choose public transportation as your daily means of travel, consider that fares in the Netherlands are quite expensive. A common alternative is travelling by bicycle.
  • Our housing fee is non-refundable. This means that you will not get your money back when you decline your room offer or if your visa application or study enrolment was unsuccessful. Only if we cannot offer you a room at all, your housing fee will be refunded.
  • Aside from the housing fee, you will have to pay additional costs associated with renting a room through the AUAS housing service, namely administration fee, deposit, and rent imposed by the housing partner.
  • After renting a room for a maximum of one academic year through AUAS Housing, our housing services will end, and you will have to find a room by yourself. The AUAS cannot help you find a room after this period of time.

Privacy statement

You agree that the information sent in the housing application form will be used by the AUAS to offer our housing services. For that reason the AUAS stores and shares this information with its housing partners. These housing partners require this information to offer rooms within the contingent of the AUAS. In order to be able to establish if you are still eligible for a room through the AUAS housing service, the AUAS will save your data for a maximum of 3 years. The AUAS will also use this information to approach you for participation in research to improve our service.

Questions and support

Our Housing team is ready to assist you

+31205255372(opens in new window)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00-11:00 / Tuesday and Thursday 16:00-17:00 CET. Closed during the Christmas break until 2 January 2025.