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FAQ Immigration basics

See our list of frequently asked questions regarding basic immigration questions you might have.

What are the admission requirements?

On the page of your study programme, you will find the admission requirements.

Check your study programme

How to apply for a study programme?  

Find out all the steps you need to apply, start your studies at AUAS and prepare for life in Amsterdam. There's a lot to think about so we've put it all in one place.


Do I need a residence permit and MVV (entry visa) to study at AUAS? 

You can check on the website of the IND if you need an entry visa and/or residence permit to stay and study in the Netherlands.

How to apply for a residence permit? 

AUAS Immigration Affairs will apply for your residence permit on your behalf, you cannot do this yourself. Once you have been accepted as associate degree, bachelor, master or as an exchange student, you will receive an email from AUAS Immigration Affairs with all the information you need to finalise the immigration procedure. 

Scroll to your section and click further to see what applies to you: Immigration | Admissions | Study | AUAS (amsterdamuas.com)(opens in new window) 

When will I receive the immigration procedure? 

All necessary information regarding the immigration procedure will be sent to you in advance.  

  • Start your studies in September? You will receive the immigration procedure mid-May.
  • Start your studies in February? You will receive the immigration procedure in November.  


Much used abbreviations during the immigration procedure:  

• VVR = Verblijfsvergunning Regulier ► Regular residence permit.

• MVV = Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf ► Provisional Residence permit, is an entry visa. With the MVV you can travel to the Netherlands and pick up your residence permit.   

• TEV = Toegang en Verblijf ► Procedure for Entry and Residence. The student still resides abroad and is obliged to apply for a regular provisional residence permit and a residence permit.

• IND = Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst, the IND assess the applications of everyone who would like to stay in the Netherlands 

• BSN = Burgerservicenummer ► Citizen service number

• BRP = Basis Registratie Personen ► Personal Records Database, the Personal Records Database (BRP) contains the personal data of people who live in the Netherlands (residents). 


To check the applicable deadline, check the https://www.amsterdamuas.com/study/international-admissions/immigration(opens in new window). Go to the section that is applies to you and check the requirements, there you will find the immigration deadline.  

Will you apply for a residence permit for my partner and/or children? 

AUAS Immigration Affairs does not arrange a visa and/ or residence permit for your spouse or family member(s) for you. You need to do this yourself directly at the IND.
Please be aware that a partner cannot work during the stay in the Netherlands. The family must therefore provide sufficient financial means to support itself during the entire study. 

Check the IND Website: Residence permit for family and partner
(opens in new window)