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FAQ Financial requirements

See our list of frequently asked questions regarding financial requirements.

What are the financial requirements?  

Check the financial requirements, Costs when applying for a residence permit | Immigration | Admissions | AUAS (amsterdamuas.com)(opens in new window) and scroll to the section applicable to you.  


How much is my tuition fee?

You can find the various fees under Tuition fees. Keep in mind that you need to pay your tuition fee via the bank account mentioned in the immigration procedure email.  


Can I pay my tuition fee in instalments? 

During the initial/first residence permit application process, you can only pay your tuition fee in full. From the second year onwards, you are able to arrange payment in 10 instalments directly with the AUAS Central Student Administration. For questions about this instalment procedure contact csa@hva.nl(opens in new window) 


Can I pay in multiple transfers? 

We advise you to transfer the required amount in one transfer. Should you need to transfer the amount in several transfers, make sure that you use the same reference each time.  


Can I pay the IND fee, proof of financial means for living expenses and the tuition fee in one transfer?  

Yes, you can pay the IND fee, proof of financial means and the tuition fee in one transfer. You will save on transaction costs.  


Can someone transfer the money for me?

It is possible that a parent, partner or other relative transfers the money for you. After your arrival and the start of your study programme, we will send you a refund form and we will refund you the money on your Dutch bank account.

How should I name the transfer?  

When you transfer the amount into AUAS immigration affairs account, use the following reference format for all payments:
"AUAS VVR + your full name (last name, first name) + your date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy).

* The term "AUAS VVR" is a standard 7 letter reference required by our Financial Department for internal purposes to ensure your payment can be easily identified and processed. 

What happens if I cannot put down a reference when I transfer the amount? 

If you cannot write down the requested reference, it will be difficult to locate your transfer and this might cause a delay. You need to send us the transfer receipt so we can cross-check payments.  


Do I need to pay the IND fee directly to the IND? 

No, you need to pay the application fee for the residence permit for study purposes via the AUAS Immigration procedure. The IND will deduct the application fee directly from our bank account.   

I transferred the Proof of Financial Means? How will I get my money back?

Once you have arrived in the Netherlands you need to open a Dutch bank account. After the first two weeks of your study programme we will send you a refund form. After you return this form it will take between 10-20 working days before you will receive the money into your account. We cannot speed up this process, so take enough money with you to sustain yourself in the first two months after arrival since the refund will take some time.