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FAQ Study progress

See our list of frequently asked questions regarding study progress.

How does the IND Study progress work? 

You have to obtain at least 50% of the required number of credits every academic year. The academic year runs from 1 September until 31 August. 


Example IND Study progress: 

Your study programme has 60 credits per year.  → You need to obtain at least 50% (usually 30 credits) per year to fulfill the requirements.
Note: you also need to meet the requirements of the Binding Studie Advice (BSA)(opens in new window) at AUAS which is higher than the IND requirement.

  *Credits obtained in (extra) electives are included in the calculations.  
**Credits obtained due to exemptions are also included in the calculations but only for the  academic year they are awarded in.  


When will I be informed about the Study progress?

During the academic year AUAS will send you emails to inform you about the IND Study progress. The study progress check will be done in the month of September following the previous academic year. If you do not have enough credits, AUAS will inform the IND about your insufficient study progress by the end of September or beginning of October at the latest and your residence permit will be withdrawn for your studies at AUAS. 


Who are excluded from the IND study progress monitoring?

  • Students who deregistered during the academic year. 

  • Students who graduate before 31 August 

  • Exchange students (who stay in the Netherlands for one year or less). 


I have obtained exactly 30 credits. Do I meet the requirements of the IND?  

Yes, you have obtained enough credits to maintain your residence permit for the next year of your studies.