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FAQ Work and internship

See our list of frequently asked questions regarding work and internship.

Can I work during my studies? 


If you are not from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, there are some restrictions if you want to work besides your studies: 

  • Your employer must give you a personal work permit. They must apply for this permit for you. 

  • You can work for a maximum of 16 hours a week during the year or full-time during June, July and August
    More information on: Working at a company while studying  

  • Self-employment: if you decide to work for yourself, there is no maximum amount of hours you can work. You also don’t have to apply for a work permit. 

More information can be found in the flyer by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment https://www.nllabourauthority.nl/publications/publications/2019/09/13/flyer-working-while-studying-in-the-netherlands(opens in new window)

Can I do an internship during my studies? 


You can do an internship as part of your studies if you still follow the requirements for your residence permit. This means that for your internship, you don’t need a work permit.  

You do however need to sign an internship agreement. This agreement must be signed by you, your internship provider, and AUAS.