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FAQ Yearly Statement

See our list of frequently asked questions regarding Yearly Statement.

What is the Yearly Statement?

This Yearly Statement is sent out at the end of the academic year, just before the summer holidays, to the email address known to the Central Student Administration. You must complete this statement and email the documents to AUAS Immigration Affairs. The forms will state the relevant deadline and explain how they should be submitted. Note that we will request additional financial documents from you to support what you have stated on the forms. If you do not submit additional documents, you will fail to meet one of the conditions of the residence permit, and AUAS Immigration Affairs will have to notify this to the IND. 

See the Requirements residence permit | Immigration | Admissions | AUAS (amsterdamuas.com)(opens in new window) should we notify the IND that you have not met the yearly statement requirements. 

Do I need to transfer the financial means again after the first year?

No, after the first year you will be asked for a declaration as part of the Yearly Statement. Should the IND require more information you could be requested to show you have sufficient financial means to support yourself. 



How do I pay my tuition fee after the first year?  

After the first year you will pay your tuition fee directly to the AUAS. Note, this is a different bank account than the Immigration bank account Tuiton fees | Admissions | Study | AUAS (amsterdamuas.com)(opens in new window). For questions on paying your tuition in full or instalments contact the Central Student Administration directly via csa@hva.nl.(opens in new window) As part of your residence permit requirement, you need to declare you will have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay. You will receive this declaration during the Yearly Statement procedure.  



Can I leave the Netherlands temporarily during my studies?

You can stay outside the Netherlands for a maximum of 6 months, but to keep your residence permit you must remain registered in your studies and at the municipality. If you don’t follow these requirements, we must deregister you with the IND and you will need to go through the residence permit procedure (again) when you want to return. 

Going on exchange as part of your studies? You can stay abroad for a maximum of 12 months, but make sure to contact your international office and Immigration Affairs.