Transfer to AUAS
Here's what to do if you are an international student and want to transfer from a Dutch university to AUAS.
Deadline Spring (start February)
There are three deadlines you need to fulfil in order to transfer to AUAS. Even if you are not sure whether you want to transfer you need to apply before these deadlines. You can withdraw your transfer at a later stage, if necessary.
1. Apply at Studielink(opens in new window) before 15 October
2. Submit all credential evaluation documents to CSA within two weeks after your application on Studielink
3. Submit immigration documents before 15 December
Deadline Fall (start September)
There are three deadlines you need to fulfil in order to transfer to AUAS. Even if you are not sure whether you want to transfer you need to apply before these deadlines. You can withdraw your transfer at a later stage, if necessary.
1. Apply at Studielink(opens in new window) before 15 June
2. Submit all credential evaluation documents to CSA within two weeks after your application on Studielink
3. Submit immigration documents before 20 July
If you have a residence permit for study purposes and want to transfer from another university within the Netherlands to AUAS, certain rules and regulations apply. AUAS will become your new educational sponsor and needs to notify the Dutch Immigration Service of your transfer.
Rules and requirements Spring (start February)
There are some rules and requirements in order to transfer to AUAS from your current Dutch university. If you do not fulfil one or more of these requirements you are not able to study at AUAS:
- You must apply for your degree programme on Studielink before the deadline provided;
- You need to submit and fulfil all entry requirements (such as credential evaluation) before the AUAS transfer deadline;
- You must submit all required immigration documents and/ or payments to AUAS Immigration Affairs before the deadline provided. These documents must fulfil all rules and regulations;
- You must have an active enrolment at a Dutch university;
- When your previous Dutch university has already de-registered you at the IND before we have sent in your file to the IND, you may not be able to transfer to AUAS;
- When AUAS has sent your file to the IND, we ask the IND to become your recognized sponsor from 1 February. Please request that your previous Dutch university informs the IND that you no longer will pursue your study there from 31 January. That is the only way the IND can handle your transfer to AUAS;
- If you have been de-registered by your previous Dutch university longer than 3 months ago, the IND will reject your application;
- When you do not provide us with accurate information about your registration and validity of your residence permit we may not become your sponsor.
Rules and requirements Fall (start September)
There are some rules and requirements in order to transfer to AUAS from your current Dutch university. If you do not fulfil one or more of these requirements you are not able to study at AUAS:
- You must apply for your degree programme on Studielink before the deadline provided;
- You need to submit and fulfil all entry requirements (such as credential evaluation) before the AUAS transfer deadline;
- You must submit all required immigration documents and/ or payments to AUAS Immigration Affairs before the deadline provided. These documents must fulfil all rules and regulations;
- You must have an active enrolment at a Dutch university;
- When your previous Dutch university has already de-registered you at the IND before we have sent in your file to the IND, you may not be able to transfer to AUAS;
- When AUAS has sent your file to the IND, we ask the IND to become your recognized sponsor from 1 September. Please request that your previous Dutch university informs the IND that you no longer will pursue your study there from 31 August. That is the only way the IND can handle your transfer to AUAS;
- If you have been de-registered by your previous Dutch university longer than 3 months ago, the IND will reject your application;
- When you do not provide us with accurate information about your registration and validity of your residence permit we may not become your sponsor.

Financial requirements Spring and Fall
Before AUAS Immigration Affairs can send in your application to the IND all financial requirements must be met. There are several costs and financial requirements which will be outlined below.
- Check the Costs page to see which payments are necessary for the immigration procedure and for living in the Netherlands.
- Check the Proof of financial means for living expenses page for information about a requirement set by the Dutch Government. It is not a payment, it is only providing proof that you have enough money to sustain yourself here in the Netherlands. This rule is applicable for all universities in the Netherlands. You do not need to take action before June.
How to prepare Spring (start February)
Please read the steps carefully that you need to undergo to transfer to AUAS:
- Student: Apply at Studielink before the given deadline according to your nationality;
- AUAS: Within 48 hours after you apply you will receive an email from the Central Student Administration (CSA);
- Student: Submit all required credential evaluations documents to the CSA as soon as possible and not later than the given deadline;
- AUAS: You will receive the transfer switcher procedure email from AUAS Immigration Affairs mid-June;
- Student: Submit all required immigration documents and payments including tuition fee for the full academic year and the proof of financial means;
- AUAS: If your file is complete, AUAS Immigration Affairs will send it to the IND and their processing time can take several weeks;
- AUAS will become your recognized sponsor from 1 February;
- When AUAS has sent your file to the IND, please request that your previous Dutch university informs the IND that you no longer will pursue your study there from 31 January;
- After approval from the IND you can study legally at AUAS and you will be officially enrolled. If the IND rejects your application you cannot study at AUAS;
- Please read the Maintain your residence permit page carefully.
How to prepare Fall (start October)
Please read the steps carefully that you need to undergo to transfer to AUAS:
- Student: Apply at Studielink before the given deadline according to your nationality;
- AUAS: Within 48 hours after you apply you will receive an email from the Central Student Administration (CSA);
- Student: Submit all required credential evaluations documents to the CSA as soon as possible and not later than the given deadline;
- AUAS: You will receive the transfer switcher procedure email from AUAS Immigration Affairs mid-June;
- Student: Submit all required immigration documents and payments including tuition fee for the full academic year and the proof of financial means;
- AUAS: If your file is complete, AUAS Immigration Affairs will send it to the IND and their processing time can take several weeks;
- AUAS will become your recognized sponsor from 1 September;
- When AUAS has sent your file to the IND, please request that your previous Dutch university informs the IND that you no longer will pursue your study there from 31 August;
- After approval from the IND you can study legally at AUAS and you will be officially enrolled. If the IND rejects your application you cannot study at AUAS;
- Please read the Maintain your residence permit page carefully.
Please note: we only apply for a residence permit on behalf of the student. We unfortunately do not provide for additional immigration procedures for partners and/or children. The student can arrange this directly with the IND after arrival in the Netherlands and the student is therefore sponsor for family members.
Please be aware that a partner cannot work during the stay in the Netherlands. The family must therefore provide sufficient financial means to support itself during the entire study.
Check in new window) for more information.
More information
For more information read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
For questions about enrolment, Studielink and credential evaluation, please contact the Central Student Administration.