The Code of Conduct for International Students
The Code of Conduct for International Students is a joint initiative between higher education institutions in the Netherlands and the Dutch government. It sets out rules for how those institutions will interact with international students, for example by providing comprehensive and accessible information regarding the study programmes offered. This includes information about accreditation status, admission requirements, immigration and housing, and various other essential regulations and procedures relevant to international students.
The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS, or HvA as we are known locally) is a signatory of this document, formally known as the Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education.
In endorsing the code of conduct, the AUAS and other higher education institutions in the Netherlands commit to providing comprehensive and easily accessible information to international students regarding the study programmes offered. This encompasses details such as accreditation status, admission requirements, immigration and housing information and various other essential regulations and procedures relevant to international students.
Educational institutions are obligated to clearly communicate the services offered to international students, including assistance provided concerning the necessary visa and residence permits, housing arrangements, orientation sessions, and student counselling services. The costs of such services must also be stated clearly.
Code of Conduct for International Students
Watch this explanatory video about the Code of Conduct for International Students, created by
The latest version of the Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education is available below. You can view the full list of signatories on the website.
How to file a complaint
If you believe that the AUAS is not complying, or not correctly complying, with the Code of Conduct, you can bring this matter to its attention. Your complaint must be sent digitally, using the form on the BBK Office webpage.
The BBK Office will record receipt of your complaint, send you a confirmation of receipt and transfer your complaint to the relevant degree programme/programme manager, faculty dean or department for further handling.
If you disagree with the way your complaint was handled, you can write a letter of complaint to the national committee. The address of the national committee is:
Education Executive Agency
Attn: Gedragscode Hoger Onderwijs (Higher Education Code of Conduct)
Postbus 260
9700 AG Groningen