Information for international students
This page contains all you need to know about applying to AUAS as an international student and for preparing for life in Amsterdam.
How to apply

Make sure you're ahead of the game with this overview of what you need to do to apply and set up life in Amsterdam. International students need to apply earlier than the rest of the university, so please take note of the application deadlines.
Fees and finances
Here's what you need to know about the expenses you can expect as an international student. It includes types of expenses (e.g. fees, housing, insurance, transport) as well as how to open a bank account.
Find out what you need to do to move from abroad. Our handy tool shows you what steps you need to take.
Find a great place to live to set the stage for your studies in Amsterdam.
Upon arrival

Kick off your new life in Amsterdam! Make sure you cover essentials such as registering with the municipality as well as ways to meet new people. It's all here - including some items you can take care of before you arrive.
Rights, appeals and complaints

As a prospective student, if you have a complaint or do not agree with a certain decision, you can file a complaint or lodge an appeal using the forms on the following page. You can also read the Student Charter that outlines what your rights are.