Developing moral courage in the financial sector

PhD project


Recent scandals have led to increased attention for morals of the financial sector. This research project concerns itself with the bridge between thinking and doing, regarding moral courage with controllers. What is moral courage and how do we enhance it in the curriculum and in professional practice?

The research comes in three parts. Through literature studies we determine the concept of moral courage; we inventory and analyse the current state of the RC-curriculum regarding moral courage and then we ask experienced controllers for their constructive stories on the subject.

The aim of the research is to understand the concept better and to gain insight into how we might strengthen it in the financial sector and the possibilities this gives us to integrate it further in the curriculum.

PhD supervisor dhr. prof. dr. J. Strikwerda

Expected completion: fall of 2018

Project Info

Start date 01 Sep 2014
End date 01 Sep 2018