Creating Impact Through And In SSH Research; A How-To Guide

Finalizing REValorise+ project on valorization of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH)

7 Dec 2023 15:15 | Entrepreneurship

On Monday 20th November, AUAS team and IXA team organised a REVALORISE+ event to inform regional stakeholders about the results and materials produced by the project. Higher Education Institutions (AUAS, UvA, VU) and the private sector were brought together- among whom were business developers, communication managers, policymakers and entrepreneurs.

Diversity and variety of approaches to valorisation

Ingrid Wakkee, Professor of Entrepreneurship, presented the research behind the REVALORISE+ project, highlighting the different modalities beyond traditional start-ups and the nuanced importance of language in this context.

Next steps and ideas for students

Daniela Redondo, Programme Manager of the AUAS Venture Centre, shared her ideas on how students could play a role as agents of valorisation. She outlined two basic pathways. One emphasised students initiating (social) ventures to bridge the gap between university research and societal needs, while the other focused on early career academic training, focused on entrepreneurial skills and mindset.

Driving initiatives

Pieter Wybenga, project leader Valorisation & Impact at Vereniging Hogescholen, spoke about his recent involvement in a new national valorisation programme with a strong focus on the creation of academic start ups and specific support programmes that could benefit SSH-valorisation initatives (Social Sciences and Humanities). Kathrin Metselaar, Impact Developer of the REValorise+ team, shared her insights on the drivers, barriers and mechanisms she recognises at AUAS when it comes to creating impact through research.

The event was concluded by a discussion between Erik Boer (Impact Director SSH at UvA), Kathrin, Luke Somerwill and Ingrid about their perspectives on valorisation within SSH. Key takeaways included the need for a radical shift in mindset and courage and the crucial role of narratives.

Research Project REValorise+

This marks the end of the events for the REVALORISE+ project, which will conclude at the end of this year. We would like to thank all the participants and everyone who helped to organise and bring together this interesting afternoon.

Do you want to know more about the REValorise+ project? Visit the project page or the website of REValorise+.