A visit to Den Bosch for the NLPO seminar

NLPO seminar: Entrepreneurship as value creation

23 Jan 2024 15:03 | Entrepreneurship

Last week team members of Research Group Entrepreneurship JuanFra Alvarado Valenzuela, Ingrid Bruynse and Richard Martina headed to the home town of HvA Professor of Entrepreneurship Ingrid Wakkee; Den Bosch! This is where a seminar of the Nederlands Lectoren Platform Ondernemerschap was hosted by Team Entrepreneurial Education from the HAS. Ingrid Wakkee opened the day themed 'Entrepreneurship as value creation'.

The team participated in 3 content sessions, namely on entrepreneurship and education, on the resilience and future-proofing of entrepreneurs and their (family) businesses and lastly about "the missing entrepreneur". This title refers to the "entrepreneurial potential" we require to bring the economy and society forward, but which for various reasons does not take a follow-up step in the entrepreneurial process. Here the Research Group brought input as a partner from the European WeRin project, which aims to make education and support programs more inclusive for women.

As Research Group Entrepreneurship, we see opportunities for Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences to explore how inclusiveness can contribute to value creation for society and the economy!

Thanks to the NPLO and HAS Green Academy for the organization and lunch and to all the contributors for an interesting afternoon!