Meet the Team: Koos Johannes

1 Feb 2024 13:45 | Entrepreneurship

Who are the team members from the Research Group Entrepreneurship and what do they do? In this series we would like to introduce one of the researchers from the Research Group Entrepreneurship to you. This time Koos Johannes!

In 2023, Koos earned his Ph.D. from the Technische Universiteit Twente and RMIT University Melbourne, boasting a diverse professional background. With nearly 20 years of practical experience, he found his way to the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA), serving as an educational manager, lecturer, and researcher, with Lector Ingrid Wakkee as his co-promoter during his doctoral research on 'Crafting Intrapreneurial Stewardship.'

Organizational Change

Koos's primary interest lies in the institutional aspects of organizational change, focusing on entrepreneurial behavior within existing organizations. His current research within the lecturate revolves around sustainable business models, exploring their implementation in two fields: urban logistics and the built environment.

Sustainable business models

In urban logistics, Koos investigates how SME-entrepreneurs can collaborate based on sustainable business models, aiming to make hubs profitable and simultaneously create sustainable value for the community. He hopes that HvA's research can assist SME-entrepreneurs in developing and implementing innovative technical solutions for urban zero-emission zones, such as unmanned package lockers, an online booking system for managing time-restricted parking spaces, and wirelessly rechargeable e-vehicles.

Koos appreciates solution-oriented practical research for its real-world impact, driven by his personal motivation to help businesses and professionals adapt to the changing demands of transitions. He emphasizes the importance of involving professionals on the shop floor in these changes, as demonstrated in a study on product-service-system business models in the construction and engineering sector conducted with the VU. The limited adoption of these models on a larger scale is attributed, in part, to internal resistance within collaborating organizations.

Collegiality and challenging research

Koos values the collegiality within the lecturate team and the challenging research projects. The culture fosters mutual growth and learning. Apart from work, Koos enjoys camping, traveling, and exploring different cultures. Working as a guest researcher in Melbourne for six months stands out as a noteworthy highlight.