Optimizing and Implementing a Community-Based Group Fall Prevention Program

A Mixed Methods Study


Falls and fall-related injuries among older adults are associated with decreased health. Therefore, fall prevention programs (FPPs) are increasingly important. However, the translation of such complex programs into clinical practice lacks insight into factors that influence implementation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify how to optimize and further implement a widely used group-based FPP in the Netherlands among participants, therapists and stakeholders using a mixed methods study. FPP participants and therapists filled out a questionnaire about their experiences with the FPP. Moreover, three focus groups were conducted with FPP participants, one with therapists and one with other stakeholders. Data were analysed according to the thematic analysis approach of Braun and Clarke. Overall, 93% of the 104 FPP participants were satisfied with the FPP and 86% (n = 12) of the therapists would recommend the FPP to older adults with balance or mobility difficulties. Moreover, six themes were identified regarding further implementation: (1) recruiting and motivating older adults to participate; (2) structure and content of the program; (3) awareness, confidence and physical effects; (4) training with peers; (5) funding and costs; and (6) long-term continuation. This study resulted in practical recommendations for optimizing and further implementing FPPs in practice.

Reference van Gameren, M., Voorn, P. B., Bosmans, J. E., Visser, B., Frazer, S. W. T., Pijnappels, M., & Bossen, D. (2024). Optimizing and Implementing a Community-Based Group Fall Prevention Program: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(2), Article 162. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21020162
Published by  Urban Vitality 1 February 2024

Publication date

Feb 2024


Maaike van Gameren
Judith E. Bosmans
Sanne W. T. Frazer
Mirjam Pijnappels


Research database