Research themes

4 Results

Our research focus is on the important urban challenges towards a climate neutral, resilient and smart city. We structure our research around four research and innovation themes Circular Transition, Logistics and Mobility, Energy Transition, and Designing Future Cities.

The Centres of Expertise of the Amsterdam University of Applied Science are sustainable, action-oriented research and innovation partnerships. Universities, companies, governments and other public and social organisations jointly research, innovate, experiment and invest for the benefit of future-proofing higher professional education and professional practices, as well as to accelerate economic and social transitions.


  1. Research and innovation for the city and region. The smart solutions for our city and region that have been identified and validated by our Centre of Expertise are both based on European cooperation and shared with the European research and innovation community.
  2. Demand-driven and interdisciplinary. Urban Technology connects different disciplines in order to arrive at integrated solutions for complex societal challenges in the field of energy transition, the circular transition, connectivity & mobility and designing future cities.
  3. Technological system change, by focusing on both the development of innovative technology and the implementation strategies needed to achieve sustainable change at system level.
  4. Science in practice and applied research. Based on a demand-driven approach, applying and developing scientific knowledge to arrive at workable and concrete solutions in practice.
  5. Specialistic practices and strong partnerships. Research teams that have domain-specific expertise, are strongly linked to the field of work and carry out successful and high-quality projects in this field with a wide range of partners.
  6. Knowledge development and sharing. Knowledge that is nourished by science and makes it (pro)actively available for the training of students and professionals from the professional field.

The city of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area is our living lab. We work with partners in the city in applied research. We research technology in the economic and social context. The related social and governance issues are secured by a connection with the CoE Urban Governance & Social Innovation. We cooperate on digital issues with the CoE Amsterdam Creative Industries Network.