Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality

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Martin Breedijk works at the AUAS as a programme coordinator, lecturer and study coach for the Associate degree in Sport, graduation profile Top Sport and Talent Coach. As programme coordinator, he deals with all organisational matters surrounding the programme, including contact with the professional field. As a lecturer, his areas of expertise are sports policy and training theory.

For the Bachelor's programmes in Sportkunde - leerroute SM&O and Sport Studies - track ISMB, he is thesis supervisor 1 day a week. In recent years, Martin taught subjects such as (Qualitative) Research, Training Theory, Endurance Sport Practice and Coaching at Sportkunde - leerroute SM&O and Sport Studies - track ISMB.

After secondary school, Martin graduated from the Academy of Physical Education (ALO) in Amsterdam in 1990. He then completed the master's degree in Culture, Organisation and Management at the Free University (VU) in Amsterdam. At the same time, Martin made his breakthrough as a triathlete in 1992 with a fifth-place finish as a debutant at the Dutch full triathlon championships, earning him a semi-professional contract.

Highlights of Martin's career: a second place at the NK in 1996 and participation as a professional in the triathlon mecca Hawaii in 1998. After positions at various organisation, Martin started teaching Endurance Sport at Sportkunde - leerroute SM&O in 2000.

From 2011 to 2020, Martin was vice president of the Dutch Triathlon Federation. Since 2016, he has been a member of the executive board of Europe Triathlon and as vice-president since 2021. He also became a member of the Paratriathlon committee of World Triathlon in 2020. Besides these activities, Martin is still active as a triathlete. In short, triathlon is his work, hobby and volunteer work.