Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality

Sport Management and Sport Business

Stable business operations, ecological sustainability, safety and inclusion, public health and performing at the highest level. The Dutch sport world faces several major (societal) challenges. The Sport Management & Sport Business professorship initiates and guides research that contributes to good management and leadership within (elite) sport organisations. This enables these organisations make (more) responsible choices in the field of management, sport performance and the wellbeing of people and planet. 

Sport Management and Sport Business professorship AUAS Amsterdam

The Sport Management & Sport Business professorship conducts research into how organisations and leaders in organisations deal with the societal challenges mentioned above. Both within elite sport and grassroots sport.

There is a specific focus on strategy and leadership in sport, with the following specific sub-themes:

  • How can (elite) sport organisations shape their societal role?
  • What steps are needed to achieve sustainable and responsible models of business management in sport?
  • In what ways can professionals in sport contribute to a functionaland sustainable sport infrastructure?
  • How can leaders and professionals in sport deal with conflicting interests in sport organisations?

Professor Jan-Willem van der Roest:

Elite sport organisations increasingly have questions about their business model. We were always ahead in the Dutch elite sport world because of our outstanding organisation. This no longer seems sufficient: we either must run faster or invest more funds. But how do you pay for that? Through a partnership with betting companies and/or lotteries? That brings in a lot of money, but it may go against the health interests of your fans. And how do (elite) sport organisations score in terms of sustainability, safety, inclusion and the well-being of employees? Such issues have not been at the top of their priority list for a long time. But our society is crying outfor innovation. Sport organisations simply have to keep up.

New business models 

The professorship investigates more sustainable and balanced business models, which enable (elite) sport organisations to better balance conflicting interests. On the one hand, the focus is on aligning the values of (elite) sport organisations with societal expectations. On the other hand, it concerns the question of how to shape business management and exploitation in a responsible and sustainable way. In addition, the professorship contributes to the societal challenges surrounding health and vitality. Drawing on their broad organisational, network and business knowledge, researchers can, for example, make new health initiatives more attractive to sport clubs and entrepreneurs in sport.  

Benelux Sport Business Hub 

The professorship conducts all research projects under the name Benelux Sport Business Hub. Many sports organizations seek advice or an evaluation of an event or a health intervention. In these assignments, the professorship has the opportunity to work directly with (sports) organizations to develop a functional, good, and sustainable sports infrastructure. The professorship also involves students in research projects, allowing them to directly engage with questions from their future professional field. The Benelux Sport Business Hub thus contributes to connecting research, education and practice.

Published by  Urban Vitality 29 May 2024