Centre of Expertise Applied Artificial Intelligence

  W. Schrama (Wieke)

-Lecturer - Researcher
Work address:
Wibauthuis, Wibautstraat 3b, 1091 GH Amsterdam
Postal address:
Postbus 803,1000 AV Amsterdam
Room number:
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Wieke Schrama works as a lecturer-researcher at the Business & Economics faculty and Centre for Applied Research on Economics & Management at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). Her research focus is on alliances spanning the boundaries between non-profit organisations and businesses and on collaborative entrepreneurship in smart city projects.

Next to her work as a lecturer-researcher, Wieke Schrama has performed several interim project leader jobs evaluating the AUAS institute. Her interest in the mobility sector stems from working as a strategy consultant executing research projects in (road) transport, public works and maritime affairs.

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