Centre of Expertise Applied Artificial Intelligence


Responsible Applied Artificial InTelligence

RAAIT is the programme in which we work on responsible AI solutions together and in co-creation with the universities of applied sciences of Utrecht and Rotterdam and various partners.

Within eight years, we as a group should be regionally and nationally recognised as the centre for practice-based research in Responsible Applied AI. To achieve this, we have received a SPRONG grant from Regieorgaan-SIA.

Current AI research mainly concentrates on technology. Within the RAAIT programme, however, we want to work towards practical applications that actually benefit companies and institutions. In addition, we are developing a Responsible Applied AI methodology to help with this design and final application.

Co-creation takes place within three learning communities. These application communities are retail, business services and media. The knowledge gained within the programme lands through concrete AI applications in these sectors.

Published by  HvA Expertisecentrum Applied Artificial Intelligence 23 September 2022