Getting started
Student Info
Student info helps you out
If you have any practical questions, need help or guidance or would like to talk to someone about any aspect of being a student, Student Info helps you out.

When you feel the need for help
If you are ill, having problems at home, having trouble studying or experiencing negative feelings such as depression or a lack of motivation, your student counsellor can help you with information, advice, guidance and mediation. You will together see if you can be helped by talking about your problems, a referral to a student psychologist or a training course.
If you have doubts about your choice of degree programme
You may be concerned that your degree programme might not be the one for you, or have questions about choices in your study path. If so, it is best not to ignore these concerns but to discuss your options in time with a study coach. We offer a lot of support and are keen to help you cope with any problems you may have.
Other questions
If you have any practical questions, need help or guidance or would like to talk to someone about any aspect of being a student, Student Info has much to offer such as:
- Sports activities, creative courses and opportunities to meet new people.
- Information about studying if you have exceptional circumstances, for example if you have a disability, are a status holder or are from the Dutch Caribbean.
- Help with personal problems.
To get to Student Info, you have to sign on using your AUAS-ID and password.