HvA Dance Centre
HvA Dance Centre
12 Results
Dance is so much more than just physical movements, it is about connections, energies, vibrations, emotional experiences
Alexia Calderón - Trainer of COURS3S USC -
I have stepped out of my comfort zone more and more and I dare to express my feelings and give it all during training and performances.
Carmen - Dancer HvA DC -
Charlie Burnside
I have various goals I want to achieve with the students I train. Number one is having FUN.
Charlie Burnside - Trainer of THE MOV2MENT -
In case you are in doubt. Just try it. It is accessible and who knows will the impact on your life be as good as mine.
David - Dancer HvA DC -
For me dance is life. When I am dancing, I feel I am alive. You need to breathe, and for me dancing is lengthening your breathing. When the music plays, you need to dance.
Jason de Witt - Choreographer TTP2019, 2021 & 2022 -
Before I joined HvA Dance Centre, I had never followed a dance class before.
Julia - Dancer HvA DC -
Dancing is for everyone. And every dancer started somewhere. If you are in doubt if my classes are the right fit. Join the try out or contact me to discuss your doubts.
Merle Drommel - Trainer THE MOV2MENT, choreographer TTP 2019/2022 -
The OP3N CLASSES are very accessible and at the same time challenging and fun.
Monika - Dancer HvA DC -
I started dancing at HvA Dance Centre to step out of my comfort zone and go for a challenge. It is so great to work towards a performance with a team.
Monika Rutten - Trainer THE MOV2MENT 2020, Assistant Valery Bouwknegt TTP2022 -
Dance to me is more than a hobby or a profession, It’s a super power. The fact that we are able to express ourselves through movement is special and magical to me.
Noy Zohar - Choreographer TTP2022 -
For me it is really important that movements connect with the music. I want to translate the music into something visual. Music is always in the lead in my choreographies. Which is not only about the lyrics but ...
Robin Benjamin - Trainer TR1BE -
The most important thing is to make sure to have fun during the classes.
Valery - Trainer COURS3S FBSV & choreographer TTP2021 & 2022