AUAS Library
Creating Open Teaching Materials
Open teaching materials are increasingly created by lecturers themselves, independently from publishers. This means that teaching materials can be better tailored to the specific requirements of educational institutions and can be used within the concept of blended learning and flexible education. Furthermore, because the educational institution is the copyright holder it allows for the material to easily be shared.
Online Courses
You can use Brightspace to create an online course. While Brightspace does not allow you to completely freely share your course, it can be freely shared within the educational institution and among Brightspace users.
Open Textbooks
Open textbooks are textbooks with an open copyright license which means it is permitted for them to be freely available online. The conditions under which these textbooks may be used, including editing and distributing the information, have been set forth in a Creative Common’s license. More information about Open Textbooks.
There are different options when it comes to making an open e-textbook. One of them is using Wikiwijs (Ducht only). It is a user-friendly free online tool for creating open textbooks that allow lecturers to work together on the one project, even if they are from different educational institutions. The published e-textbooks can easily be integrated into Brightspace.