Jeroen Kluck, Professor of the Climate Resilient City research group since 2008, studied Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology. At the same university, he obtained his PhD in 1997 for a study on flow and sedimentation in storage and settlement basins.
Jeroen worked as a water expert at consultancy firm Tauw for many years, where he advised clients on climate adaptation and urban water management.
Kluck contributed to the development of a series of models that provide a better picture of the functioning of rainwater systems and water chains. He advised water boards and large and small municipalities around wastewater systems, urban water management and energy in the water chain.
- 1001 Hot Nights (Night-time heat)
- 1001 Hete Nachten (Nachthitte)
- Gemeenten helpen met klimaatadaptatie (De Klimaat-Adaptatie-Monitor)
- A blueprint for urban heat resiliency (Cool Cities)
- Een blauwdruk voor hittebestendige steden (Cool Cities)
- Samen werken aan leefbare wijken (Toekomstgerichte wijk)
- Comfortabel wonen in de zomer (Hitte in de woning)
- Onderzoek voor Nationaal Kennisprogramma Water en Klimaat (Hitte in Woningen voor NKWK)
- Infiltrerende wegen optimaliseren en opschalen (De Waterbergende Weg)
- Effectief groen voor klimaatadaptatie in de stad
- Infiltrerende stad
- Taking cool measures against urban heat (Cool Towns)
- Coole maatregelen tegen hitte in steden (Cool Towns)
- Hittebestendige Stad