Amsterdam School of International Business

FBE International Week

Theme: Connecting to the world | 15 - 18 October 2024

The Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) proudly presents its annual International Week. During this week we have organised activities for students and staff, including masterclasses, workshops and discussions by guest speakers from around the world.

What does Connecting to the world really mean?

In today’s world, everything is connected. Businesses and economies are linked across the globe. Knowing how to connect with people and understand global markets is a key skill. This week will help you learn about these connections and why they matter.

We’re excited to have you join us for a special week focused on "Connecting to the World." This week is all about learning how to engage with the global community, which is essential for anyone studying business and economics in a internationally oriented city like Amsterdam. It’s a chance for you to explore new opportunities, understand different cultures, and prepare for a successful future in a connected world.


Tuesday 15 October 2024 Lecturers Day for FBE and AUAS lecturers
Wednesday 16 October 2024 Student day
Thursday 17 October 2024

Student day

Friday 18 October 2024 Social programme guest lecturers

What’s in it for students?

Connecting to the world is crucial for students today to empower them with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent global society. In an era where borders are becoming less relevant and global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and social inequality require collective solutions. As a global citizen, your sense of responsibility and empathy for people and environments around the world is crucial. Are you a second-year student in International Business, Finance & Control, FTA, Accountancy, CE, HRM, or at the Part-Time Academy? Then visit our International Days and sign up for inspiring classes taught by our global guest lecturers.

The programme for the Student Days will be published on this website shortly.

What’s in it for lecturers?

Connecting to the world: lecturers who are knowledgeable about global citizenship can provide students with a broader and more nuanced understanding of the world. This not only enriches the educational experience but also helps students become more informed and responsible global citizens themselves. Join a day of professional development. A great opportunity to share global knowledge, best practices and skills and network with international colleagues and colleagues from Amsterdam. Please note that the Lecturers Day for our guest lecturers only takes place at the Business Campus (CTH). There are also sessions offered at other locations.

On this day, we'll showcase our Erasmus+ Do It-project and give you the chance to explore our our freely accessible materials for students, about how to design a COIL project (Collaborative Online International Learning) and how to design and run Blended Intensive Programmes.

Published by  Faculty of Business and Economics 8 July 2024