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Building accessibility

People with disabilities should be able to use the buildings at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) to the fullest extent possible.

Building accessibility for wheelchair users and visitors with reduced mobility

All AUAS buildings are wheelchair accessible. Some buildings on the Amstel Campus are only accessible by lift.

  • Kohnstammhuis: lift to the right of the regular main entrance.
  • Theo Thijssenhuis and HvA Studio: one lift at the back of Kohnstammhuis to Kohnstammhof.
  • Benno Premselahuis: lift next to the stairway in the main entrance.

These buildings have an intercom that visitors can use to report to use the lift. 

Wheelchair accessible toilets

There is at least one wheelchair accessible toilet in every AUAS building. Additional access rights are required. Visitors can apply for additional access rights at the reception desk in the relevant building.

Building accessibility for those with a guide dog and/or mobility device

Guide dogs are welcome in all AUAS buildings, provided they are wearing a clearly recognisable guide dog vest. Necessary assistive devices and small mobility devices may be used inside the buildings. Mobility devices powered by a combustion engine are not permitted inside the buildings.

Parking spaces for people with reduced mobility

See Parking for more information.

Anyone in possession of a European disabled parking permit (GPK: gehandicaptenparkeerkaart) and a digital annual parking pass can park free of charge in all (paid) parking spaces within the City of Amsterdam. This applies to residents as well as visitors.

A valid GPK entitles you to park free of charge in designated parking spaces on streets around the AUAS buildings.

Assistance in the event of emergencies

If the lifts cannot be used, for example in the event of an emergency or during evacuation drills, the company emergency response officers will lead those with reduced mobility to the exit via the stairway.

How to request assistance

You can request assistance by contacting the FS Service Desk via servicedesk-fs@hva.nl or +31205951403, or by approaching the on-site service desk. 

Questions about accessibility?

If you experience problems accessing a building or facility, or if you would like to learn about the steps being taken to improve accessibility at AUAS, please contact the FS Service Desk via servicedesk-fs@hva.nl or +31205951403, or by approaching the on-site service desk.