It can be challenging for those working in residential child care or for foster parents to talk about the sensitive subject of relationships, intimacy, and sexuality.
Young people growing up in care can be vulnerable to sexual abuse, and it is therefore essential that professionals feel able to get involved in their healthy sexual development of these young people.
This website contains materials and exercises that enable social work lecturers to prepare lessons or develop modules to help their students familiarize themselves with the subjects of relationships, intimacy, and sexuality. Materials and a schedule to organize a summer school are added too. Lastly we developed a reflection instrument, to be found here.
Most materials and exercises are specifically developed within the Safeguarding project and are meant for lecturers teaching (bachelor social work students) in European universities. The materials and exercises are especially focused on future professionals who intend to work in residential care or with foster parents. The exercises are organized into the five themes ‘values, rules and regulations’, ‘sexual development’, ‘sexual identity’, ‘harmful sexual behaviour’ and ‘dealing with sexuality with children and young people’. Additional didactical information is available as well (see menu).
This website is part of the Safeguarding Young People in Care project, funded by Erasmus+. The project ends on September 1, 2018. The website will stay available and will be updated.
Please feel free to use the materials and share your experiences with us at safeguarding@hva.nl