Many (future) professionals working in residential care or with foster parents find it challenging to talk about the sensitive subject of relationships, intimacy, and sexuality.
Young people growing up in care can be vulnerable to sexual abuse, and it is therefore essential that professionals feel able to get involved in supporting their healthy sexual development. That’s why we’ve created a summer school program for future professionals who will be working with youth in care.
This summer school for social work students gives students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the subject of relationships, intimacy, and sexuality. It is especially designed for students who intend to work in residential care or with foster parents. The summer school is specifically designed for students studying social work or pedagogical sciences. An exception can be made for student nurses and student teachers.
The program is perfectly suited for students who have already completed an internship in a child welfare organisation (in residential care or for instance in coaching foster carers), but this is not a requirement.
- Course date: 1 - 12 July 2019
- Amsterdam
- Tuition fee (3 ECTS): € 650,-
- Factsheet summerschool 2019
Are you a lecturer and interested in organizing a summer school at this theme on your university? Find information and materials developed in this project.